Enhancement of Adaptive Capacities around Ruaha River Basin -Iringa Rural District
E-Link Consult Ltd was engaged by UNDP Small Grant’s Programme to Conduct Climate Smart Agriculture project for communities around Mtera Wetland (Rufiji water Basin) in southern highlands Tanzania.This project conducted…
National Survey in 21 Districts (LGA)-Tanzania Mainland
Member of E-Link Consult Ltd was engaged by UNDP/ GEF-Washington DC, 2015 to conducting a National Survey on Early Warning System in 21 Districts (LGA) of Tanzania Mainland and contribute…
Community based adaptation to climate change
E-Link Consult Ltd was engaged by UNDP to Promoting Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change on Food Security and Environment Conservation through use of Photovoltaic pumps for Irrigation in Bahi…
Vulnerability Impact Assessment in the Coastal region -Chalinze District.
E-Link Consult Ltd was engaged by USAID EA/SERVIR, 2019 to Conduct Vulnerability Impact Assessment, hotspot mapping and piloting of climate change adaptation interventions contributing to livelihood enhancement in the Coastal…
Climate Change Resilience and Livelihoods in the Mara River basin
E-Link Consult Ltd was engaged by USAID EA/PREPARED in 2016 to coordinate and implementing a project titled Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Change Resilience and Livelihoods in the Mara…
Tanzania on the impacts of climate change .
E-Link Consult Ltd has been working with Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC)/CAN in 2022 to Conduct study on Impacts of Climate Change on Human Rights in Tanzania.
Vulnerability Assessment for Mpwapwa and Chamwino districts-Dodoma.
E-Link Consult Ltd was engaged by FORUMCC with the support from GIZ and in collaboration with Mpwapwa and Chamwino districts councils aimed to conduct a vulnerability Assessment (VA) to identify…
Enhancement of environment,climate and sustainability practices
E-Link Consult was engaged by Government of Canada(CICAN),to conducting Review and Enhancement of Environment,Climate and Sustainability practices at Partner Folk Development Colleges and training of College principals on climate change…
Support for Climate Action to Ireland Embassy
E-Link Consult was engaged by Ireland Embassy to Review and finalize the Embassy Climate Action Integration Guideline phase; Capacity building engagements with the five selected Embassy partners, both individually and jointly…
Training on climate change
Member of E-link was engaged by USAID WARIDI Project to conduct a training on climate change to 20 LGA found in WAMI RUVU and Rufiji basin in 2018.
Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Change Resilience and Livelihoods in the Mara River basin
E-link has been working with USAID under PREPARED project - 2016, in addressing conservation challenges to local communities, livelihoods in Mara River basin-a transboundary water resources -Butiama District. The summary…
Adaptive Capacities to Climate Change
E-link has worked with UNDP Tanzania through a project which was collaborative effort with a local NGO known as Mazombe-Mahenge Development Association (MMADEA) for a period of one year (January…