Development of Land Use Plans and Climate Change.
E-Link Consult Ltd was engaged by USAID/WARIDI in 2020 to Develop Land Use Plans and climate change trainings to 3 LGAs; Development of Village Land Use Plans and issuing of the Certificates of Customary Rights of Occupancy (CCROs) for climate change adaptation and ensure gender equality.
Assessment and Training on Sanitation, livelihood, environmental conservation.
E-Link Consult Ltd was engaged by WARIDI/USAID to Conduct Assessment and training on Sanitation, livelihood, environmental conservation (including sold waste management) and climate change to 20 Local government authorities found within the WAMI RUVU and Rufiji basins in Tanzania-2018.
Collecting survey data on the use of climate/weather information for Tanzania Mainland.
E-Link Consult team member was engaged by UNDP/GEF to lead in collecting survey data on the use of climate/weather information for Tanzania Mainland. The data were collected from 21 districts across all the 7 agro ecological zones. The assignment was conducted from December 2015 to February 2016
Developing the National Tree Based Biomass Energy Communication Strategy and Action Plan
Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) engaged E-Link Consult in developing the National Tree Based Biomass Energy Communication Strategy and Action Plan (5 year Strategy 2015-2020) from June 2015-October 2015